另一MS新廣告 - "Macs are all about aesthetic"?

MS又來一新廣告,都是You Find It. You Keep It. 系列的。片中自稱為Technical Savvy的Giampaolo先生,利用1500美元購買要有「portability, battery life, and power」的手提電腦的故事。片中又刻意明串暗串Apple電腦只有外觀,"Macs to me are all about aesthetics more than they are the computing power. I don't want to pay for the brand, I want to pay for the computer."

但是看看最後他所買的16"闊屏手提電腦,根據Apple Insider的資料,原來:
* 淨機已重達7.3磅,1.7吋厚
* 屏幕像素為1399x768
* 電池壽命只有三小時以下(甚至只有兩小時)
* 4GB DDR2 Ram (但是如果不是用64bit Windows的話根本得物無所用)

究竟現在是buy for the brand,還是buy for the computer,大家還是心中有數吧。

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